How we work

God's love in action

Our Mission has always been Reaching People for Christ and we do that by following Jesus’ example of showing God’s love to those in need. That love looks different in every situation: whether it is a hot meal for a homeless person, a homework club for a struggling pupil or seeds for a father who wants to grow vegetables for his family. It has been our joy to see individuals and families coming to Christ as they experience the fruit of his love in their lives for themselves. In the same way that a loaf of bread shows no sign of the separate ingredients that went into making it, we believe it is impossible to separate out the impact of the practical and spiritual elements of our work. What we know is that thanks to God, lives are transformed. You can read more about one of those lives here.

Growing the church

We work in a way that supports the local church in the countries where we work.  We often become aware of communities that need our help because there is a small church there with a desire reach out to people but struggle to meet the great need they see around them. We aim to strengthen and support the local church to be salt and light and ultimately to have the resources they need to manage without us. When people become Christians through our work, they become part of their local church community where they receive further support and fellowship. And many of the volunteers who make our work possible come from our partner churches. One of those churches is based in what was called the Atheist City in Romania; you can read more about them here.

Working with local people

All our work in Eastern Europe is done by local staff and volunteers. They know best the communities and people and understand their struggles. Most importantly, they are there for the long term, supporting children and families over many years in order to build the trust and relationship that is needed to bring about change. One of those local staff members is Iurie in Moldova; you can read more about him here.


churches partner with us as we strengthen and support their mission.


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91p in every £1 raised is spent directly on our work with children and families