"I have come that they may have life..."

- John 10:10

"I found myself smiling more and more."

This Easter I’d like to share with you a little of the work that is happening thanks to the incredible dedication of our staff, volunteers and church partners across Eastern Europe, and all made possible by your generous support.

Daniela, now 37, was forced to leave school at the age of 12 to work and help her family stay afloat. As she grew up she hoped for something different for her children, but found herself once again living in deep poverty with no way out. Generational poverty like this is all too common, and for Daniela, it threw her into despair.

Their eldest son, Engjell, 15, said, “I don’t recall much from my younger years, but the image of my mother in tears is a frequent memory.”

Everything began to change for the family when Mission Without Borders (MWB) were alerted to the family’s struggles. ...

“At first, she couldn’t understand how some foreign families who live far away could help her family without even knowing them.” 

These are the words of our staff worker, Arjana, who began to regularly meet them and supply them with food and hygiene items and other necessities, as well as much-needed counselling and emotional support. Arjana also suggested they start attending their local church.

Arjana said, “Something profound started shifting within her heart and mind. At one meeting, Daniela found herself moved to tears and willingly accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.”

Daniela explained: “Before I became a Christian, I found difficult to summon a smile or experience any sense of well-being. But when I met the Mission, things started to change day by day and I found myself smiling more and more. I got baptised and Jesus has become the cornerstone of my life and perspective.”

Engjell described how his mother’s tears gave way to a much happier atmosphere at home. He said, “The Mission’s support – the monthly boxes of food and those with food and gifts for Christmas, the school supplies, and the youth meetings – all bring me immense happiness. As I grow older, I even try to help out my father at work."

The Mission’s Seeds of Hope project, offering seeds and tools, also provided them with an opportunity to work on the piece of land they have and grow various vegetables, providing them with extra fresh, healthy food. Daniela also now works part-time as a cleaner, and Armado was inspired to pursue a career as a barber.

Daniela said, “Witnessing the transformation in my life and family—financially, spiritually, and emotionally — I am truly thankful for the impact on our family's life, for every change made in every aspect of our lives

through the committed work of our staff members like Arjana with children and families. Mission Without Borders continues to work to bring physical and spiritual transformations in people’s lives So, to help support our family and children’s work in Albania, we want to raise £4,900 to support two After-School clubs in Fllaka where we hope to help children with their schooling and also help them to learn more about Jesus’s love for them.

Close-by, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, we want to raise £2,450 to provide food, Bibles and Christian literature to support Alpha courses and develop our partnerships with churches and denominational leaders, and your gift of £25 could help us towards this goal

And finally, we want to provide support to our Christian brothers and sisters in churches across Ukraine who continue to be in urgent need of our help

In the meantime I wish you all a very special Easter!



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91p in every £1 raised is spent directly on our work with children and families