"I learned how to accept and love others"

A Teenager from Ukraine talks about her joy at Summer Camp

Ruslana comes from a family in deep poverty that struggles to survive

After being badly let down by a group of girls she thought were her friends she now finds it hard to trust people. This problem, while so common amongst teenagers, can feel all the more disorientating when you live away from home, a position that Ruslana, along with more than 100,000 other children in Ukraine has found herself. In many cases this is because of poverty.

Mission Without Borders has been offering material, emotional and spiritual support to children like Ruslana. An important part of this support has been Summer Camp. Every year, hundreds of children and young people are given the chance to leave their worries behind and enjoy a holiday filled with fun activities, Bible lessons, swimming and sports, delicious food, and Christian mentors to support and encourage them.


Helping children in Eastern Europe

Ruslana knew nothing of God before summer camp, but now all she enjoys a relationship with Jesus and prays regularly.

"At Summer Camp I learned how to accept and love others, even if they are different from you. I also learned how to deal with feelings of loneliness and insecurity. If I had to remember just one thing from the Camp, I would remember the phrase, 'Jesus is my friend!'" Rusland told us

Now, when she is at home she always tries to be helpful, taking care of her younger brothers and sisters, and she is doing really well in all her subjects at school.

Now when I am sad and lonely I always pray and then I feel relief.

"I also learned at summer camp that bad language destroys both me and others and that lying brings nothihng good in my life. The Most difficult thing is to react in the rigth way when someone acts badly towards me. I try my best not to be aggressive and mean."

Young people from difficult backgrounds will often act out any pain or rejection in anti-social ways. At Summer Camp their eyes are opened to a different way of living. There, they see young people who are Christians: There lives are also full of difficulties and challenges, but their attitudes and values are different. Summer Camp is a powerful way to reach children's hearts and to give them an unforgettable holiday where they can see for themselves what a loving community looks like.


children and teenagers went to summer camp with MWB in 2022



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